Originally a short film directed by Michael McKenzie and now being adapted into a mini series is the tale following a young boy in Foster care by the name of Koji.

Michael McKenzie has a passion for not only this project but the wellbeing of young people. It is held up with the upmost drive to improve the lives of kids in care.

Michael is devoted to making a difference and has seen first hand the frustrations of young people from working in close proximity to young people as a youth worker in many forms.

Development stages of Be-longing

Development happened quickly as there was a passion to create a well crafted, thought provoking short film.

Filming stages of belonging

Filmed over two days in in 2015 then finished a year later in 2016 over another two days .

Editing period took two years. During this time Mike was finding the music and working on release forms. Editing took two years because Mike was puzzling together the perfect components with care.

Over Lockdown Work / Current Visions

Online screening using Eventbright platform once a month, open screenings, screenings to local authorities.

Kept screening to keep the idea of belonging in the public domain.

Future plans

To continue to use belonging as a point to further the conversation of Care, fostering and the wellbeing of our youth as well as keeping up the message of Be-longing.

Find out more about Be-longing here.

Work With Us

New project or just a chat?


If you would like to discuss your project or get an advice please use the form, drop us an email or pick up the phone. We’re always ready to help in any way we can.


Michael McKenzie | Director
Steven McKenzie | Production Director
Denis Collen | Executive Producer

Contact Us

+44 7939 506 019


Company number: 12938810
Registered in England & Wales.

Registered Office:
28 Martingale Grove, Arborfield Green, Reading RG2 9HD


Inspiring communities to bring dignity and hope to youth in foster care